Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween 2008!

The boys had so much fun - first the Phillies Parade, and now trick-or-treating! They did reluctantly pose for a few pictures. I don't have too many of Justin because he rarely stood still the whole day. He really got the hang of things after the first few houses! He kept looking into his back and making a surprised face! It was so cute! He did try to eat the candy with the wrappers still on. Brian and Sean got a good laugh out of that! Justin got more candy than the boys - I think it is because most people let him take a few pieces because he was so little!

After trick-or-treating we went to our friends' house and had chili! Yum! They boys had no trouble falling asleep. They were so tired from the past few days!

the boysthe clone trooper - commander CodyJoe FlaccoSean trick-or-treatingJustin "the bat" flying away

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