Saturday, May 16, 2009

Justin's Party

We finally found some free time around sports and activities and Communions to have Justin's party. And poor kid, he got the typical party for a 3rd child. We called people that morning and threw together burgers and dogs and beer! I didn't have fancy invitations or plan the party months in advance....but you know what, Justin had no idea. His friends were there and he got cake, so in his book things were just dandy!

I try really hard to do for Sean and Justin what I did for Brian, but the real truth is that it is sometimes just impossible to do. And I have learned that fair doesn't always mean same. Sometimes being a parent means doing the best you can with what you have. Justin had a great party and loved his mom-made cake decorated with his favorite candy!!!!

1 comment:

MissNoAngel (find me on Twitter) said...

So cute! I love the cake! Happy (belated) birthday Justin!