Justin's first girlfriend, Jordan Kristine, was born June 23rd! He couldn't wait to go to the hospital to meet her! She had great mesurements - 8 lbs 11oz and 20 inches! He got a bath, put on a fresh diaper - and made sure Mom got him smelling great with Johnson's Baby Lotion! Then he got dressed in his special onsie- "Chicks Dig Me". (Thanks Uncle Dan and Aunt Kelly) When he finally got to meet Jordan, though, all he could do was cry because she wouldn't give him a kiss! Jordan and Justin even sound great together!
Brian Jr. laughed when he saw the onsie. I asked, "Do you know what it means?" He said, "Yes, it means chicks really like him." I asked, "What are chicks?" He replied, "Baby chickens!" I didn't say anything else - too bad he won't be so innocent for long!
getting ready for his night out
got the keys
special date night onsie
the future's too bright...
Jordan and Justin
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