Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A Few Funnies

I have seen these things posted on signs and other places over the past few months. I thought they were pretty funny!

On a church sign on a hot summer day - "Hot enough for you? Think about it."

On the curb side in front of a house - "Slow, No wake!"

On a banner for a meeting about men and women - "Women always right. Men never wrong!"

At Brian's school in the lunch room for the nut-free table - "I'm nutty enough without nuts!"

And a few quotes from the kids:

While getting gas, Sean (in a whining voice)said, "Why do we always have to get regular gas? Why can't we get something different just one time, Mom! I don't like regular all the time! Does all gas smell? Do fire trucks use regular gas? What about golf carts?" He doesn't hold one train of thought too long!

After being told he can maybe play flag football in the Spring, Brian said, "I don't want to play flag football. I want to play football. You know, shoulder pad football! When you can wear helmets too!" You know, the one were he can break bones - not at age 6!

I was babysitting Macie and she was crying because I wouldn't let her do something. Sean with his fingers in his ears said, "Mom, make it stop, make it stop! I cant' hear the TV!" Glad he is learning some compassion!

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