Friday, September 28, 2007

Spoons and Forks and Applesauce, Oh My!

This morning I took Brian and Sean to school and then came back to put Justin to sleep. After that it was my usual pick up the clutter in the living room and dining rooms. Then onto the kitchen. My problem is that by the time I get everything straightened, I have run out of time to clean before the boys get home and to put it nicely - "un-straighten" everything!

From time to time I do find some strange things. Sean, for a while, got a kick out of hiding spoons and forks in the chair and couch cushions. I guess he figured then he didn't have to put them in the sink and miss any of the Sponge Bob episode he had seen 400 times! My favorite forks where the ones with maple syrup still on them from waffles - really gooey after a few weeks of hiding! I also have found plates and bowls under the couch and chair and suspect Sean but he has never been caught in the act for this!

At least the silver wear can later be identified. I have found some things under the cushions that I just throw away - I still to this day don't know what they were and nor do I ever want to know! Other than that I find matchbox cars, action figures, action figure weapons, wrappers to peanut butter crackers and fruit snacks and pop-tarts! There are also lots of crumbs and dog hair and the occasional lost board game or puzzle piece.

Today my surprise, oddly enough, was not in the cushions - or in their beds. My favorite int eh bed surprise was about 200 Starburst form a big family pack. They were all down in the bottom of Sean's bed tucked in between his bottom and top sheets - at least they still had wrappers on them. I figure he had a few midnight snacks - my fear was that he would soon have some bunk mates with six or eight legs! Yuck!

Okay, back to today. I found about eight packs of the single serve applesauce piled under the little kids table in our living room. When Sean came home, I asked him about it and he said, "I wanted them there so when I get hungry I don't have to run to the kitchen!" He is so his Dad's son. Brian Sr. is still asking for a fridge in the living room next to the couch. Sure, no problem - how about a fridge and TV in the bathroom too? I won't even ask for real - don't want to give him anymore ideas! How much more lazy can the two of them get. Sean asks his Dad to lay on the couch with him and watch TV or take a nap - Brian Sr. just looks my way with a smile. He knows he will get yelled at or dirty looks at a minimum for laying around. But when Sean asks...

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