Sunday, January 13, 2008

Hungry Hippo

We went to Sean's friend Grace's Birthday Party today. The boys had a lot of fun and the pizza and cake were yummy. Sean, because of his allergies, had a PB&J and a brownie without milk. He really is a good sport and never, ever complains about not being able to eat things. Even as toddler, he seemed to understand. Now he remembers how his belly feels when he eats things with milk in them. Not only does he get sick to his stomach, but his tummy contracts violently. It looks painful and I feel so bad for him, especially when I am the one who gives him something by mistake.

So, he was drinking a lemonade and sitting at table with me and my friend Bamby. Bamby has two and six year old boys - Quentin and Spencer. She was talking to Sean and asking him questions. All of a sudden, he asks, "Spencer's mom?" I love how kids call the parents of their friends their friends name plus mom or dad! I guess it is a whole lot less names to remember since they already have the mom and dad thing down. She says, "Yes, Sean." He says, " I had a dream that I was a hippo and I ate Spencer!" Luckily she was a good sport and asked, "Did you eat Quentin too?" He said, "Yep. He was dessert!" I was laughing so hard - I would love to know where he gets his material!

Then when we get home he was being funny and retelling the dream story. This time he said, "I was a hippo and ate Spencer and then I put ketchup and hot sauce on Quentin and I ate him!" I get the ketchup because he puts it on everything, but hot sauce? Then he added, "I also ate Justin but I swallowed him big and didn't chew him up to pieces. Then I burped and Justin came flying back out. And he was fine!" Well, there you have it!

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