Last OB appt. today - all is well - lost another pound, bp 98/70, baby's heartrate 138 and measuring a little over 39 weeks. I got all the paperwork for Thursday morning and just have to get blood work in the morning for pre-admission testing. They will even give me a hospital bracelet at the lab - no turning back now!!! Three more days!
I am still busy organizing and making lists for Brian and my Mom while I am in the hospital - I have taken OCD to a new level this time! I have to have it all done and organized and checked twice!
Monday, April 30, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Football with Joe!
Brian and Sean got a special visit from their cousin Joe today! He brought them a football from the University of Delaware where he is the starting quarterback. They are both wearing his jersey - #5! They boys, and Joe, had so much fun and were really tired after playing! Try as they might, Brian and Sean couldn't bring Joe down!
Trying to score past Joe!
Joe got him this time!
Having a catch with Joe
Ouch - Joe throws really hard!
Stiff arm to the helmet!
Sean decides to play! .JPG)
Brian with his new football!
Trying to score past Joe!
Stiff arm to the helmet!
Joe is two of Brian!
Run, Sean, run!
Joe caught Sean!
Time out for field repair!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
5 More Days!!!!
I cannot believe with everything we have gone through in the last two and half years that we are finally days away from meeting our new addition! I am so excited and so anxious that I tire myself out by keeping busy! We have everything ready and all the arrangements made for Brian and Sean to get where they need to go. Brian and Sean have been wishing for a boy the whole pregnancy. But two nights ago, Brian said since I want a girl then he will wish for a girl now to make me happy. That just put tears in my eyes and melted my heart. Now we just need the baby....boy or girl!
Friday, April 27, 2007
Drawing on the Walls
I know it sounds like the kids made a horrible mess - but friends of ours are tearing down their plaster walls and replacing them with sheet rock. So, they invited some of their daughter's friends over to draw on the walls - don't try this at home! They even drew a side view of me. There is a pizza, coke can, banana split and plate of fries drawn in my belly. My friend told the kids that is why my belly is sooo big - lol! And then she drew me in a bikini - yeah right! The boys had a blast and Sean even tried to draw with his toes!
My belly doesn't stick out that far, right!?!
Close up of the baby - no room with all the food!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Brian absolutely loves T-Ball! He is so serious about the games - it is supposed to always be a tie score at this age but he needs to know who won. The funny thing - the team with the most players wins since no one is out and they all get to round all the bases to home! He likes hitting the best - who doesn't!?! He is on the Dodgers with many of his friends. Here are some pictures from the practice and game.
Monday, April 23, 2007
38 weeks - 10 days left!
I cannot believe only 10 days left until we meet the new baby! OB appt. was good - only one more left! I was down another half of a pound , blood pressure 97/72, baby's heart rate 143 and measuring a little more than 38 1/2 weeks. Baby is still diagonal/transverse.
I have been so tired the past few weeks but now I think I am running on excitement. Of course, the house is a disaster! Everything is all moved around to accommodate the workers. We had the outside painted over the weekend and they are finishing up today. We had the carpets cleaned and sanitized in the basement this morning and the chimney is getting repaired tomorrow. Brian had a half day at work tomorrow and off Wednesday - so hopefully we can get the house back in order by the end of the week! And then the beginning of next week get the baby stuff downstairs - bassinet and swing and bouncy seat etc! I figure it will be good to let the boys get used to the baby gear and play with it for a few days before they baby is in it - maybe they will lose a little bit of interest! Wishful thinking!?!....
I have been so tired the past few weeks but now I think I am running on excitement. Of course, the house is a disaster! Everything is all moved around to accommodate the workers. We had the outside painted over the weekend and they are finishing up today. We had the carpets cleaned and sanitized in the basement this morning and the chimney is getting repaired tomorrow. Brian had a half day at work tomorrow and off Wednesday - so hopefully we can get the house back in order by the end of the week! And then the beginning of next week get the baby stuff downstairs - bassinet and swing and bouncy seat etc! I figure it will be good to let the boys get used to the baby gear and play with it for a few days before they baby is in it - maybe they will lose a little bit of interest! Wishful thinking!?!....
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Hot in NJ!
We got into the 80's today in NJ - Spring passed us by and we got summer! Of course the boys wanted to go to the pool - they couldn't understand why if it was hot that the pool wouldn't be open until the end of June! Yes, Sean wore out his yellow boots and has moved onto blue shark boots - his feet must have been so hot!
Sean racing
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Fun at the golf course!
The boys went to visit Dad at work again - this time I remembered the camera! They had fun riding in the golf cars, playing in the sand traps, hitting a few balls and just spending time with Dad. We also got lucky enough to stay for dinner - I had the best dinner I have had in a while - scallops, shrimp and rolled pasta filled with rigotta cheese in a seafood cream sauce - YUM! Brian Sr. had crab cakes and the boys had grilled cheese and a hamburger and of course fries! Oh, the crab corn chower was really good too!
Why don't they love to rake at home?
Brian trying a shot with full size clubs!
Sean must get dirty at least once a day!
Brian cannot wait until he can drive by himself!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Future Golfers!
I took Brian and Sean to visit Brian at work today and of course they wanted to play golf. Brian took them on two holes and let them hit from the 150 yard marker. Brian Jr. calls it the 150 yard line - I guess he still has football on the brain! Sean is a wild man and it is a good thing he cannot hit it too far yet - or he would be yelling "Fore" with every shot! Brian has a pretty good swing - he needs to slow down and take his time and then he hits it very well. I wish I had my camera with me - next time.....
Oh - not like anyone here is counting - but 14 days to go!!
Oh - not like anyone here is counting - but 14 days to go!!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Basement Helpers
The past few days we got an enormous amount of rain and like everyone else around us, we got water in the basement! Ugh! We had our basement waterproofed a few years ago - french drain and a new sump pump! The horrible part is that is came from our chimney - it was in bad condition and the strong winds and rains just made more cracks in it and pieces just chipped away. Brian spent the better part of two days using the shop vacuum and towels to try to keep the whole basement from getting wet - special thanks to Doug for his help! Of course, the boys had to help!
Brian did a great job!
Monday, April 16, 2007
37 week OB appointment
Everything still looks great and right on schedule! I am measuring about 38 1/2 weeks, baby's heart rate was 142, I lost a pound and blood pressure was 96/75!
OB said I am now on auto pilot - just waiting for baby to come! My c-section is still on for May 3rd at 10:30 - 17 days to go! I am really getting excited to meet this baby!
OB said I am now on auto pilot - just waiting for baby to come! My c-section is still on for May 3rd at 10:30 - 17 days to go! I am really getting excited to meet this baby!
Friday, April 13, 2007
20 Days Left!
I can hardly believe I only have 20 days left! Not sure my belly can stretch much more! Looks like another big baby! I still feel pretty good -I will take the minor aches and pains for a healthy baby! Both boys think I am going to the hospital and the baby will pop right out of my belly button - I am not going to disagree! I have been having some Braxton Hicks contractions - but 8-10 a day and OB says not to worry until I have 5-6 an hour consistently. So looks like we are hanging on for now! I am ready! These pictures are at 36 weeks and 4 days. I look so much bigger from above than from the side...
My view!
(No, I cannot see my feet anymore!)
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
The Zoo!
We had a great day at the Philly Zoo! I cannot believe no one was there. It was little chilly but no where near cold. The animals were all out and happy that it was nice weather too! The boys wanted to know all the names of the animals - so we had to check out the Zoo's website when we got home. The big news is that the Tigers - Dimitri and Kira are expecting cubs this May. Brian said "Just like Mommy!" - well not cubs, but you get the idea! Brian and Sean got their pictures taken on lots of statues - they are usually too crowded with kids to get a good picture!
Brian and Sean and Elephant
Hippos in the background
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