Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Stitches for Sean!

Well, yesterday was Sean's second trip to the emergency room for stitches. This time a lot more serious! He had about 30 stitches! He was climbing on a chain-link fence at a friend's house and his feet slipped. (after he had been told numerous times to get off the fence!) He caught his chin/cheek on the way down and really got himself a nice laceration. Brian picked him up and we drove to the ER. We had to wait since he had just eaten so that he could be given a sedative. And I requested a surgeon to do the stitches and since it was a holiday we had to wait for him to come in too. All in all, Sean was a trooper and only really complained when they actually started to stitch him up! Before that he was watching Nickelodeon so that made him happy - he loved the little TV attached to the wall that you could swing around the room! Brian and I were the ones going crazy! I managed to stay very calm for Sean. He was really funny coming out of the sedative - like he was drunk and couldn't walk a straight line or complete a sentence! He is back to himself today and didn't complain at all - we gave him some Tylenol and he was fine! He goes next Wednesday to get the stitches removed. The doctor said at his age and where the scar will be, that is should be barely noticeable. We just need to put Maderma on it and make sure we use a lot of sun block this summer. I just keep reminding myself that he is okay and that it could have been worse! It is so hard when it is your baby! I know he is almost 4 but he is still my baby!

Sean's stitches
what a face!
Sean again!

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