Monday, April 20, 2009

Mr. No Fear

Justin got his golf club taken away from him today because he was hitting his brothers with it. They were probably egging him on, they probably deserved it, but still he lost it. (I know, I know, golf clubs should not be allowed in the house, have a few kids, especially sports crazed boys, and then come talk to me.) I put the golf club on top of the TV cabinet in the corner of our living room and went upstairs to finish putting away some wash.

Apparently this punishment was not acceptable to Justin and he attempted to retrieve his beloved golf club! According to his brothers, Justin first cleared the toys from on top of his toy shelf and then climbed on top. Once up there he climbed up onto the ledge on the outside of the steps! Once he got up on the first one, he stepped up each on until he was almost up to the TV cabinet.
That's when they decided to call for me. Yes, we did have a talk about maybe letting me know about these kind of situations before they progress this far into the danger zone! Luckily I knew not to yell or even gasp because I didn't want to scare Justin and make him fall. I carefully snuck down the stairs and lifted him from the steps.
The pictures came from after - I wanted photos and I wanted to see if he would do it again. Yep! I positioned Brian on the steps for safety!
up on the shelf

the first step

making his way up

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