Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Busy, Busy

I feel like I get no time on the computer anymore! Brian started swim lessons in the morning from 10-11am. The we get home and I make lunch. Clean up the kitchen, do a load of wash, feed Justin a few times and now it is late afternoon. Then we head back to the pool since it is not as crowded and cooler for Justin to be out. We get home at 7-7:30pm and it is time for the 4B's - bath, brush, book, bed! Then I have to feed Justin a few last times, finish some chores around the house and then I collapse into bed myself! Brian has been working until 8-9pm the past few days so at least there is no dinner to cook! We have been packing a picnic for the pool!

On the positive side - the boys are so happy to be outside all day and in the water. And they are so exhausted when we get home that they have been sleeping until 8-8:30am . Justin has been going down about 10pm and eating about 5-6am and then sleeping again until 8:30-9am! So I am getting some more sleep - but packing for the pool and being there all day make me more tired too!

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