Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Justin is Ten Months and...

...eight days old! Okay, I admit it. I was bad about taking Justin's ten month old pictures. I have tried a few times, but he doesn't want to cooperate. He is too fast even for the shutter speed! I honestly do not know where the days go sometimes! But I figure that at this age, he doesn't change much in a week's time. Right? When he was a few months old, a week did make a big difference in his appearance.

Justin has changed a lot in the past month. He is starting to look more like a kid than a baby - and that is sad. He is pulling up on anything and everything at record speed. His eating has improved and I think he is steadily putting on weight. When he does stand up, his balance is getting better - last Wednesday he stood on his own for the first time. I was sitting on the floor and he was holding onto my shoulder with one hand. Then he just let go - and stood there for about ten seconds before he fell over. He still does it at times, but hasn't lasted any longer. He claps and waves and throws his hands up when we say 'touchdown'! He has also learned to give big slobbery kisses! Yum!

Justin loves to make a k sound, it sounds like kuh, over and over and over. He thinks that he is so funny. He imitates other sounds too - dada and mama and baba; but I don't think he puts any meaning to them yet. He does understand so much - more and juice and cookie and kisses and just to name a few. When I ask him where the light is, he points up to the ceiling when the light fixture is and smiles. I cannot believe my baby is so big! He still really loves his brothers and they get a huge smile for doing something as simple as walking in the room! Me, on the other hand, he makes work for his smiles - but I don't mind a bit!

Justin loves to cruise along the furniture and walk behind his bulldozer truck. I think he might be a daredevil like Sean because he doesn't seem to be afraid of anything. Wait, anything except strangers, he doesn’t like people that he doesn't know to talk to him or hold him! He immediately sports the huge boo-boo lip and the tears start flowing! I think he has gained a little depth perception because he is being more careful about diving off of furniture. He used to just try to take a dive off of my lap and things and now he looks but stays put. Thank goodness!

But the best (insert sarcasm) thing he has started doing is throwing min temper tantrums! He gets mad when you take things from him and when he cannot reach something. He 'yells' at me when I won't let him stick his hand in the baby food jar! He squirms and arches his back when I try to buckle him in his car seat. Brian and Sean did this but I think that they were closer to two years old; Justin is not even one yet! I am in trouble.

rolling away
crawling away
stinky boy
he did it again!
only one I got of him on his back,
and he is screaming!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is so cute! How adorable!