Saturday, January 19, 2008

Worth the Wait

I found this onesie on e-bay for Justin. It perfectly describes him and we have even said that about him before I saw the shirt. It says - I was worth the wait! He definitely was! The wait through almost two and a half years of invasive infertility treatments, countless medications and injections, three surgeries, seven miscarriages, gallons and gallons of blood work, too many tears to count and enough frustration and disappointment for a lifetime. We are so happy to have him, and now that it is all behind me, I would not have it any other way!

The woman I got it from on e-bay makes each one and you can order any size you need, Justin is wearing size 9-12 months. I think you can get them in pink and change hair and skin color too. It is a really nice onesie - the design is embroidered too!

scrunchy nose smile

great smile
so cute
love those eyes!

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