Monday, August 27, 2007

Road Block #1

I got a call today from our adoption agency about our application. Because of Brian's diabetes we need a letter from his doctor saying that he goes to his appointments, takes his medication, is otherwise in good health and that his diabetes will have no effect on his ability to parent. We have to make an appointment with his doctor to discuss this and hopefully he will write a positive letter for us! After this letter is faxed to the agency they will forward it to Korea and in a few weeks we will hear. Hopefully they will find us to be good prospective parents and give us their pre-approval to adopt from Korea. It sounds to me a lot like health insurance with our IVF and related procedures - we needed to get everything pre-approved for the cycle with the doctor submitting proof that we needed to do the procedure before the insurance company would pay for it!

This really through me for a loop and I was upset for a while. Then I posted on the adoption agency's bulletin board and got such wonderful and supportive replies. Many have adopted with diabetes and other medical conditions and all they needed was the letter from their doctor! It still isn't a guarantee but I think we have a good chance still! Well road block #1 of many more to come on this journey to bring a little girl into our family of boys! Did I mention that even the dog and fish are male!?!

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