Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Swinging at the beach!

It's my fault, I admit it. Justin is hopelessly addicted to his swing! I let him nap in it all day long and bring it with me when we go places so that he will nap better! But that is the one thing I never waver on at home - nap and bed times! I take a strict no nonsense approach! I schedule outings around nap times and have even missed a party or two if they were during a nap when Brian and Sean were little. This is because tired kids cannot function well and tired kids make for even more tired and irritable parents. So, where we go - the swing goes. This is because Jusitn will take long two hour, peacefull naps in his swing. And when is brothers run through the room screaming - he might open his eyes for a second but the swing puts him right back to sleep. The funny thing is he has no trouble going to sleep in his crib at night! I just nurse him, change his diaper, give him many kisses and hugs and snuggles, swaddle him up and put him in his crib. It only takes a few minutes and he is out for the night. Brian and Sean were the same way - minus the swing addiction. They both enjoyed the swing but it was not necessary! I know that I am truly lucky to have boys that love to sleep!

hangin' out
getting tired
almost there...
out like a light!

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