Thursday, April 3, 2008

Justin is Eleven Months Old!

I have to hold back the tears when I think about how close my baby is to being a year old. He is changing more and more by the day and getting so big. He now stands by himself for pretty long periods of time and has taken a few steps here and there. I have a feeling that my world is about to be turned upside down shortly! He is getting more vocal and hasn't said a real word yet but is getting close - he says b-b-b-b when he has a ball and ssssss (like a snake) when he has a sock. Yep, those are his favorite things to play with - balls and socks!

I have to start planning his party. Some of the third child stereotypes are coming true! I had Brian's party planned and invitations addressed when he was eight months old! I do know that I am doing a Winnie the Pooh theme since that is what Brian and Sean had too. It will be mostly family and weather permitting we hope to do burgers and hot dogs on the grill! I did buy him a First Birthday bib - see not too bad!

the football picture
the hippo face
innocent look
touchdown again finding treasure under the ottoman
'talking' to Roc


Nancy, Jeff, Connor & Porter said...

Soooo cute!! It is so hard to believe our boys are growing so fast! I'm sure Porter will be on the verge of his first b-day before I know it too. Thanks for your info on your boys milestones. It does help! Connor rolled at 4 mos, sat around the same age (5 1/2 mos) and walked at 9 1/2 mos, but got his 2 bottom teeth a month later. It's so hard to not compare them, but I know I should let them just be themselves! Your boys are adorable and I love your header photos!

Kathy V said...

I like the hippo face the best.