Thursday, June 5, 2008

One Month Down!!!

Well, that wasn't so bad, now was it? We are one month into our twelve month wait to be matched with our daughter. I hope that the rest of the time goes by this quickly! We have heard that wait times are increasing slightly and some changes have been made as to when the home studies are sent to Korea. But, if the wait time changes by a month or so I am okay with that. I know that whether we wait ten months or fifteen months that there is a baby at the end!

I wish our fertility treatments could have gone like this! I could deal with - yes, you are on the list. We cannot say when, but sometime in the next ten to twelve months, you will be pregnant! Wouldn't that be wonderful!?!

So, we will be submitting our advance processing paper work (I-600A) some time in August and that takes about 8-12 weeks to be approved. So when we get approval (I-171H) we will be close to half way into the wait! Baby steps, baby steps...


Anonymous said...

You're so right; waiting isn't so bad when you know there's a guaranteed end result. It's the uncertainty that's the killer. The time will fly by with those 3 little guys bouncing about!

Anonymous said...

Time does passby so quickly its scary - you'll be there in no time!

DC said...

This is very exciting! You're getting so close!! :)

Anonymous said...

Hopefully the time will fly by and you'll be bringing her home before you know it!

Rachel said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

A year from now, you may be bringing home your daughter. That is exciting.

Your sons are pretty cute too!

Samantha said...

The certainty of it happening sometime, even if you don't know exactly when, must be very reassuring!

Here from NCLM

Queenie. . . said...

It's so exciting to know that it's in the works, and there's an end in sight, even if the exact timeline is still a little up in the air. Good luck to you!

Jodi @ SNAPPED said...

Your children are beautiful. Congratulations on the adoption!
Here from NCLM