Sunday, June 1, 2008

Truth and Lies

I have seen a bunch of these on blogs and they look like so much fun! There are five statements below. One is false and the rest are true. See if you can guess which on is the lie! Answer to come soon! Good Luck!

1. I was in a sorority in college and had to wear a bright pink jumpsuit from the seventies while singing "I've got a passion for fashion."

2. I once got my brother to eat a tube of toothpaste by telling him there was a prize at the bottom like Cracker Jax.

3. I spent the summer before my senior year in Spain and came home with two bottles of Tequila and a stolen license plate.

4. I passed the written test for my driver's license, but had to take the driving part two times.

5. I had a job as a lifeguard the summer before college and had to save a small boy who had fallen into the pool when his Mom accidentally fell asleep.


Anonymous said...

This is hard!!! Good job with the 5 stories, it is impossible to tell which is the lie. I am going to guess the lifeguard story (just a random guess!). Thanks for stopping by my blog -- once we went to dinner with another couple, and we knew we were going to split the bill up front (just an assumption), but the guy from the other couple offered to pick a wine (he is a marketing exec for a famous winery...he ordered a $250 bottle of wine!!!!!!

Nicky said...

I've got to guess the toothpaste story. Mostly because my brother was the most gullible kid ever (and I'm incredibly persuasive) and I don't think I could have gotten even HIM to do that....

Jessica White said...

Here via NCLM

I have to second the toothpaste story...all though it's probably true. Good luck with your adoption :-)

SassyCupcakes said...

I'm going to guess #4. I'm terrible at these things and you've done a great job so I'm really just guessing wildly. :)

Lollipop Goldstein said...

I'm guessing #4 as the lie.

Anonymous said...

oooooooh! These are good!
I also guess the toothpaste option. If that is true then dayum you are good!!

JW Moxie said...

Ooh, those are great! That toothpaste option is funny...I think it's a truth, so I'll with #4 as the lie!

JW Moxie said...

Oh, I forgot - "launching rockets" - too freaking funny!

christina(apronstrings) said...

i say number 5! because i can't imagine a mom falling asleep.

Resplendentquetzal said...

Hi, I think #1 is untrue.

Thanks for stopping by my site. I made the chart myself. It's just an excel sheet. I'm pretty visual and needed the reminder, and my notes from the phone just weren't cutting it!

Anonymous said...

I think the lie is number 4. And I want to see pics of that pink jumpsuit!

astral said...

I'm guessing the toothpaste story. I was in a sorority and I can believe number one. The others seem believable too. Thank you for visiting my blog.

Mrs.Joyner said...

Im sending some of that air right now!!! Whoosh!!

Momma Mary said...

The lie is #3!

Here from NCLM. Let's see if I can get it right!!

Amanda said...

I'm gonna guess #4.

I hope #2 is's hilarious!

Lori Lavender Luz said...


You sound like a fun sister ;-).

Anonymous said...

Here from NCLM.

I'm guessing the toothpaste story. Because it that isn't it, your brother has every right to STILL hold a grudge!

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

I'm here from NaComLeavCom
Fun game but I have no idea

I guess # 3

Good luck with your adoption journey.

We have an adopted son.

My Little Drummer boys
warm regards

Still Standing Strong in A Bloom of Hope. said...

I can't decide...:)

I'd say #2!

Fit & Fierce Mama said...

These are all pretty believable. I will guess number three because I really can't decide.