Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sore Buns

Poor Justin has been fighting a diaper rash for a few weeks now. I have tried most of the over-the-counter remedies. I have been allowing him to streak a bit to dry it out - which in the drying out process did produce a few puddles in the house! I went through Desitin, A&D, Butt Paste, two different powders, you name it. I called the doctor and they ordered a prescription. It really seemed to do nothing for the redness or pain. The diaper changes hurt me as much or more than they hurt him.

So, after a few oatmeal baths and some more wet floors, I called the doctor back. They told me to stop using the first prescription (gee thanks) and they would order something new. I went to the pharmacy later that night. I came home with nothing. The reason - the new tube of ointment was $240! Huh, what? For diaper rash? The first one was only $12! The new health insurance Brian got this year only covers 50% of our prescription costs, but even at $120 it was way too much! Of course it was late last Friday evening and I had to wait until Monday to call the pediatrician!

Over the weekend I tried various concoctions of creams and powders. The thing that finally worked was a combination of Triple Paste and the clear A&D ointment. He started to feel better and I saw improvement on a daily basis. I did still put the clear A&D on at night as a preventative. All was going great until yesterday when it came back in full force. I changed him when he woke up that morning and saw the all too familiar redness and bleeding. My heart sank. I really though we had beat this thing with my special potion. I apologized to him and then made him cry by changing his poopy diaper. My heart broke. I tried hard to keep back the tears. I wiped again and the cycle continued.

My baby screams when I lay him down to change his diaper before I even get his pants off. His bum is bright red and bleeding and oozing. It is puffy and sore and scabbed. I cringe just looking at it. I don't wipe, I just pat. I have been known to stand him in the kitchen sink and clean him up with the sprayer. After airing him out and changing him, he then walks around funny for a bit. He looks like a cowboy who has ridden on a horse a few days too long. His legs are spread wide and he hobbles along in pain.

So, I guess since it is Sunday, that I will be contacting the doctor again tomorrow. I hope there is some other solution than a $240 one. But seeing the pain he is I would pay double that if I had to. I already feel guilty enough for not getting the prescription in the first place. He could be pain free right now. My heart breaks again. But then again, he is getting his molars and we have a fun diarrhea thing going around the house. So, maybe there is nothing we can do. Well, on the bright side the stomach thing for me is good. Well, not good but, well, um, when you have about thirty more pounds of baby weight to lose... you know what I mean, right? See, I told you I can always find the positive in things. Except for the baby being in pain, of course.


Aimee said...

Sorry about the rash, poor Justin! Brenna has a smaller, less painful one, but it doesn't want to go away either. Yikes on the Rx!! Unbelievable!!

AprilMay said...

Poor thing! Maybe a food allergy? Caden's bad rashes are always allergy and/or thrush related. My doc told me to get athlete's foot cream and it works like a charm! I use it only if the rash is bad/crusty/bleeding, and only 2x a day.

Anonymous said...

Ouch - poor thing! Does sound like food allergies to me too - can you cut out dairy? I know someone else that worked for.

Also can you get Sudacreme? Works wonders!

6 Monkeys and Me said...

Poor baby. I sure hope he gets some relief quickly. Could it be a yeast infection? My boys had that when they were a few months old and it was miserable!

Rachel @ Moments With My Miracles said...

Poor buddy! I'm so sorry he has such a bad rash. Ick! I hope he gets better soon.

Anonymous said...

Poor little guy! I hope EVERYONE in your house is well soon.

katd said...

Oh, poor baby! That is so sad. My nephew went through something similar that ended up being related to a food allergy. I hope you guys find a good treatment ASAP! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh! Kimber, I'm so sorry Justing is going through this. Alfredo Andres once had to take anibiotics and he had an awful diarrea. Dr recomended Daktozin which is an over the counter cream here in Venezuela. It has an antimicotic thing and was the only thing that worked. I think walgreens sells it. Hope he gets better soon.
