I got nominated for two awards last week!!! A Pink Rose from Mandy at They Call Me Bobby and a Brillante Weblog Premio from Nic at My Family and Other Animals. They had such sweet things to say about me and I am really touched! Thanks girls! I have finally caught up with my posts from vacation and such, so can now spend some time giving out awards too! (It only took me two weeks!)
So, here is the deal-
I will start with the Brillante Weblog Premio Awards!
1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate at least seven other blogs.
4. Add links to those blogs on your blog.
5. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog.
Nic - I return the nomination to her. I love reading her blog. She has two beautiful girls. And I will quote her because I love how she says it - her older daughter was "science over nature" and her younger daughter was their surprise and a triumph of "nature over science." I think that is so great! She writes very well and I can really relate to her ups and downs with the kids - and husband!
Jen - I love this blog! Jen is a wonderful writer and always makes me laugh! She is nearing the end of her first trimester after a bout with infertility. She is due the end of February - Brian's birthday is the 22nd. (Yikes he will be 8!) I like how she uses pictures to enhance her posts. How can you not laugh at a hamster with a huge carrot in its jowls? Jen has such a way with words; I read on and on and stay way up past my bed time! She also contributes to Redbook's Infertility Diaries.
Mel - I love Mrs. Stirrup Queen's blog. I found it about a year ago and am still a faithful reader. Not only does she link the whole infertility and loss community together, but she does it as a Mom of twins and a contributor to other blogs as well! I really think if we lived closer that I would be great friends with Mel, well that is if she would have me! I love the way she thinks and the way she expresses herself. She is a wonderful human being. She is constantly finding ways to help and ways to make this world a better place! And never wants a thing in return! That is my kind of girl!
SAHW - This blogger is still deep in the infertility trenches and starting a round with Clomid soon. She recently got a negative pregnancy test. Reading this blog really takes me back to the year after we got married that I spent trying to get pregnant. I wouldn't know SAHW if I feel on top of her. Yet, I know her feeling. I know her fears. I know her concerns. I know her pain. I will be rooting her on for a BFP (big fat positive)! She also is a faithful commenter on my blog - thanks!
AprilMay - AprilMay has three boys like I do, but hers are a bit older. Her kids are funny and her reactions to them even funnier! I love the way she writes and know I can always get there and enjoy a good laugh. She is int he US now but lived in South Korea for a short time. I am interested in learning about the country and culture from her when we get closer to travel time. I am sure she will have some great tips and advice!
Calliope - Calli is such a great blogger. She is witty and interesting and has a great heart. She is realistic and hopeful all at the same time - I can really relate to this! Her blog makes me stop and think, I just love for my mind to be challenged! She is newly pregnant from an FET (frozen embryo transfer) and has had great blood work and a promising ultra sound. I love her Saturday Scategories!
Spongemom Sweatpants - Well, the title of this blog alone made me laugh before I had read one sentence. This mom blogger has three kids ages 5 and under. Her kids are hilarious and I can really relate to the mischief that they create for themselves. She does a great job of recording all the great moments and I know she will have some great ammunition to share with first dates some day! I love this blog because she lets it all out and tells it like it is. Life with three young kids is not always pretty and it is great that she is not afraid to write about everything - not just the pretty, sugar coated stuff!
Now the Pink Rose Awards!
1. On your blog, copy and paste the award, these rules, a link back to the person who selected you, and a link to this post: Pink Rose Awards. You will find the story behind the Pink Rose Award and other graphics to choose from there.
2. Select as many award recipients as you would like, link to their blogs (if they have one), and explain why you have chosen them.
3. Let them know that you have selected them for an award by commenting on one of their posts.
4. If you are selected, pass it on by giving the Pink Rose Award to others.
5. If you find that someone you want to nominate has already been selected by someone else, you can still honor them by posting a comment on their award post stating your reasons for wishing to grant them the award.
6. You do not have to wait until someone nominates you to nominate someone else.
Mandy - Mandy and I have been talking via the internet for about three years, I think it was sometime in 2005 when I first posted, because I remember when she got pregnant with Jackson. We met on Baby Center and now a group of us has a private board. Mandy is funny and really makes me laugh. Sometimes the things she does and the things she says really make me smile. She genuinely cares about others - even those she doesn't know. She was the first friend to call and congratulate me when I got pregnant with Justin!
Lynz - Lynz is another internet friend. We started posting together on Baby Center in the early spring of 2006 when I moved to IVF. She got pregnant with twins boys and had then at about 26 weeks in December of 2006. Her blog is truly inspirational. You can feel the love for her boys just flowing outward from her blog. She is one great mama. They boys were so little when they were born, and to now see them over 18 months old is wonderful! My heart is always warmed and my face full of smiles when I read her updates!
Andrea - I have nothing but respect and admiration for Andrea. Let's just sum it up and say that she has 6 kids - all under the age of 4! Yes, I am serious! No there are not multiple sets of multiples - three are biological (a girl and twin boys) and three are adopted (biological siblings - two boys and a new baby girl!) And she seriously talks about having another baby. When you look up saint in the dictionary I would not be surprised if her picture was there! She is a great mom and does so many fabulous things with the kids. Of course with all those little ones, there are a lot of funny moments! The kids are so cute!
Michelle - I somehow found my way to Michelle's blog about a year ago. What struck a chord with me is that she has a daughter born a few days after Justin. And then with further reading I found out that her daughter was also a twin like Justin. Ruby was born at a little over 37 weeks and her twin sister, Lydia, was born still. She also has a son and another daughter too. Michelle has a lot on her plate on any given day and handles it all with such grace - and has such a great attitude to boot. She also rocks a mean Haiku and a Wii guitar!
Busted - Busted writes a great blog and has a special way of turning her thoughts and emotions into blog posts. She has been through a lot on her infertility journey. She conceived boy/girl twins and then lost them at 23 weeks to placental abruption. She had a recent post about people who originally knew she was having twins and now not knowing that she lost them. I can understand this a little - just this summer someone at the pool asked me where the other baby was when they saw Justin. I figured that over a year later that most people would know that we only have one baby with us. She has bravely boarded the trying-to-conceive-train again and has an FET (frozen embryo transfer) scheduled in mid-August. I will be thinking of her and wishing her the best along the way! Oh - and her new kitten is in the mail!
Aimee - Aimee is another Baby Center friend that I have known for over two years. We soon found out that we live within about an hour of each other and went to the same fertility center! We met for the first time when we both had appointments scheduled around the same time. She has a son a few months younger than Sean and triplets that are almost a year old! I have been to Aimee's house a few times and really wished we lived closer. After only a few meetings, some e-mails and many bulletin board posts, I can say that Aimee is a great person. She has such a gentle and kind way about her. She is friendly and giving. Her blog is titled "We Could Not Ask for More." I know she meant it from her perspective but I think it can be turned around to be from her children's perspective. I know that they could not ask for more in a Mom! I am proud to call her my friend!
Kathy V - Kathy is such a sweet girl! She is due in November after struggling with infertility and loss. She is so great about keeping up with my blog and leaves such nice comments. I understand a lot of her thoughts and worries about being pregnant after loss. She seems, to me, to have traveled through the pain like a champ and is really enjoying being pregnant. Well, everything except the 20 cup size change in her bra! Okay, an exaggeration but she makes me laugh when she talks about it! Kathy lives in a neighboring state but is still five hours or so away from me! She is also a fellow dog lover!
So, do you accept this rose, uh, or diamond?
awww! Thank you, sweetie.
Thank you for the award! I am honored. And, I would LOVE to "talk" to you about South Korea! We adored our two years living in Seoul and can't wait to go back someday (hopefully to get my DD, if I get my way, LOL).
And I haven't said this before, but your boys are just adorable!
I'm so flattered! I've never been nominated for a blog award before! And you nominated me even with my disastrous lack of posting lately...thank you and big hugs.
Now I've got to figure out where the logo is and how in the world to post it on my blog. Hmmm.
:) Thanks again.
Oh how lovely of you!
Your comments are very sweet, and it is nice to feel so accepted and welcomed after such a short time within this 'network'
Thank you, thank you xxxx
Many congrats to you for your Pink Rose Award, and thanks for passing it on! You deserve it, homegirl! I've added you to the list of recipients!
COngratulations and thanks for adding to the blogs I read :)
hi kim,
i am a friend of busted and saw your link on her page. i was most interested in your upcoming adoption! i am korean-american and was the chair of the korean-american student's association big sib/little sib program in college. i went to college in rural new hampshire but there were a fair number of korean adoptees in the area. the program matched adopted korean children with korean college students and we had monthly meetings where we would go pumpkin picking, had a cultural show, ate korean food, etc. it was a great way for everyone to learn more about the korean culture and it was also a great way for the kids to bond with college students and for the students to meet the kids and their parents. my "family" was a mother and father who decided to adopt a girl from korea (my "little sib"). after her adoption, they adopted a boy from korea as well. the next year, they had a biological daughter. it's been ten years since i first met them and we still keep in touch.
if you have any questions about korea, korean culture, or i can even put you in touch with my little sib's family, you can reach me at saoh212 at hotmail dot com.
i'm rooting for your adoption to go through smoothly and quickly!
Hey Kim, thanks for the return rose. I am a big ol' goober because I thought what I was nominated for by Nic WAS a pink rose award but I also thought it was the same as the other one (Brillante Weblog Premio). I'm easily confused though. I almost bought a T-shirt yesterday at Penny's that said, "I'm confused. Oh wait! Maybe I'm not." So ME! Thanks again for the rose :) Hope your last comment from the woman offering help with questions about the Korean culture, etc is a connection that can really help you in your adventure to your baby girl.
We would definitely be friends (hey...want to move to DC?). Sniff. Thank you for the award.
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