Sunday, May 4, 2008

Lollipop, Lollipop

Another day in mischief land. Someone who will remain nameless Sean, decided that it would be a great idea to give Justin a lollipop. And since it was his first ever, I had to take pictures. I am actually pretty surprised that he hasn't gotten his hands on one before this! I have pulled gummy bears, jelly beans, Skittles, and gum out of his mouth before though. He did really enjoy the lollipop and made lots of great slurping sound effects. It was so great that he got a bright blue one too - it made for some pretty drool! I let him have it for a few minutes and then took it away before it got too small and was in danger of falling off the stick. He yelled for quite a while and kept saying, "Mom. Mom. Mom." I guess it was his way of yelling at me! Sorry Justin!

Who me?
You can't deprive this face of candy!so cute!sour blue raspberrymaybe PopTarts will be next?A little palate cleanserreally enjoying himselfwhat no blue drool in the dining room?


Kathy V said...

That is cute. I like the one where he has lollipop in one hand and reaching for the poptarts with the other. Although I like the pet bowl one too. Why in the world do kids always feel the need to play in the dog's water bowl?

Michelle said...

So cute! And good planning - blue shirt, blue sucker!