Thursday, May 22, 2008

Squirting Fun!

Lucky for Sean, Justin is a good sport and actually liked being squirted in the face by a rubber duckie! I am not sure if Sean or Justin had a better time! And if you know Sean, then you know that, yes, he did squirt his Mom too! Sean and Justin have such a different relationship than Brian and Justin. Brian takes on more of a big brother role; he takes care of Justin, teaches him things, and protects him. Sean plays and wrestles with Justin. He teases him and ... squirts him with water. He doesn't treat him special and thinks of him more as one of the boys than as a baby. So, I guess that is good for Justin - he gets the best of both worlds!

right in the face!
and again - love Sean's face
Justin is still smiling...
and laughing...
even after Sean does this!

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