So, I drop Brian off at school and then Sean. It is 8:45 am and I have about forty-five minutes before Sean's show starts. I decide to run to Target to get a few things done. I find the things I need and some things I don't! I also find something for Brian for Christmas that I have been looking for! Yea! I make it back to Sean's school with ten minutes to spare and get a good seat so I can take pictures and video!
Sean was so great! He sung his little heart out and even did the hand motions that went along with the songs. The whole concept of participating in a holiday show is new to me. Brian spent the whole pre-K show staring out into space with his hands in his pockets! In Kindergarten he did open his mouth a little but there were definitely not any hand motions. And I am not sure if he was singing or just lip sinking along with the other kids.

singing his heart out
I was so proud of Sean. He looked so great and like he was having so much fun! The kid actually had a little rhythm - again something once foreign to our family. My eyes teared up a few times. I cannot even try to describe the emotions involved in seeing your kids grow up. All of them were very much wanted and it look a lot of effort and resources to get them here! And for me to see how they have grown and for everyone else there to see too is just to many feelings to put into words!! Well, it just gets to me. I am so happy to be his Mom and love him to pieces. And so my eyes fill with tears of happiness!
Back to the story - After Sean is finished, he goes back to his classroom and again I have some time to waste before I have to pick him up again. I decide to go look for a Baby's First Christmas ornament for Justin. I really hope that I can find one. I think for Brian's first Christmas, I ordered his before Halloween. Sean's I got right after Thanksgiving. Poor Justin - now I have to drive around and find what is left! I guess that is what happens as you have more kids.
I did find an ornament - it is little bear in pjs crawling with a big number 1 next to it! I love it! And the crawling fits to where he is in development right now. I am so happy and glad that my procrastination didn't cause him to not have an ornament.
I return to Sean's school to pick him up. On the drive home we talk about his day. It was his best friend Reilly's Birthday and he was excited about going to his party at McDonald's in a little while. He was also excited about eating McDonald's! He wants a hamburger with ketchup and pickles, fries and a lemonade. This is his standing order there - although he sometimes mixes it up by ordering a Sprite!
As I pull into the driveway, Brian Sr. is walking down to meet me. Brian Jr.'s school called and he forgot his lunch. My heart sinks and my jaw drops open. I feel like the worst Mom ever. I was so worried about Sean today that I didn't even remember to make Brian a lunch. And then I was so focused on Sean that I didn't even realize that Brian didn't have a lunch.
So, the secretary told Brian Sr. that Brian was in tears and asked if someone could please bring him a lunch. They did offer him a lunch ticket to buy a PB&J, but of course, my kid doesn't eat PB&J!He didn't like the other lunch option either. Ugh! So I made him a lunch and Brian Sr. dropped it off to him. Sean had a few soft pretzels and so I gave him one of them and a few Hershey Kisses to make him feel better!
I still cannot believe that I forgot his lunch all morning! He has forgotten his lunch before, but I usually realize as he is getting into the car or as I drop him off at school! I really need to get back in the habit of making it at night when I am cooking dinner. But then I would have to cook dinner every night. We'll see...
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