The boys ran out of their rooms and rushed down the steps. They took a moment to lean over the banister to check out their stockings. Then Brian Jr. made a bee-line for the NFL football. That was he favorite gift and really the only thing he asked for on a consitant basis. He even ducked under the goal post to reach the football and then saw it a few minutes later! Talk about a one track mind!
Sean went right for the presents and started ripping through them. The first thing he opened was a new Blankie. I actually found the same one as his old Blankie on e-bay. This was one of the only things he really asked for too. He did also ask for an MP3 player from listening to his brother. I know he didn't even know what it was because he said if there are no MP3s that he will take an MP4 or and MP5! What a kid - so willing to compromise. Every time he opened a present he said, "What the...?" It was so funny - I was glad that he didn't finish the question with a choice four-letter-word!
Justin slept until 8:30 am. He missed the boys opening their presents and we missed him. But on the other hand it was nice to spend some time with Brian and Sean and focus all my attention on them for a change. Then Justin ate and we ate and the boys played for a bit. Justin goes back for a nap about an hour after he wakes up, so his presents had to wait. Brian and Sean were beside themselves seeing Justin's untouched presents under the tree. They couldn't understand going to down for a nap when there were presents to open!
Justin woke up again about 11:30 and Brian and Sean 'helped' him to open his gifts. At one time we had to ban Sean because he was just opening and not letting Jusitn help at all! Justin's favorite gift, by far, was the sports balls. He loved them even in the box. We tried to move them to the side so he could open his next present and he dove after them. He kept turing around and trying to get them and wasn't interested in opening anything else.
We went to my brother's for dinner and a good time was had by all. My nephew and nieces got a Wii and the kids, young and old, played most of the night and barely stopped for dinner! Thank goodness Brian and Sean didn't ask for it. They didn't even really know what it was until they played with their cousins.
All of us collapsed into bed - we were all so tired from the weeks heading up to Christmas - all the hard work, preparation, excitement, and anticipation - and it was all over in one short day!
the tree and goal post
peeking into stockings
happy Brian
Sean opening gifts
opening some more
Justin getting help
the sports balls
he likes the piggy too!
Justin and Dad
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