Thursday, December 13, 2007

Coke or Pepsi?

I made it out to the grocery store and without fail it was raining. I don't know why, but lately it seems to be raining when I decide to grocery shop. I also got to go all by myself! I will trade a little rain for freedom in the aisles any day!

So, I am finished most of my shopping and headed down the soda aisle. I always check the Coke and Pepsi to see which is on sale. One or the other almost always is. I just refuse to pay $1.79 for a 2-liter when I can get it five for $4.00. I look at the displays and Coke is on sale, Pepsi is not. I load up my cart with a few Caffeine Free Diet Cokes. As I am doing this, the Pepsi guy arrives with his stuff. He is filling the shelves with Pepsi products.

It is really funny but I find myself almost feeling bad for buying his competitor's soda. I am sure the delivery guy doesn't really care what is in my cart, but I feel like he is staring at me. It's not like I regularly chose one brand over the other. I almost feel like telling him I would have bought Pepsi if it was the one on sale.

Some people are strict Pepsi or Coke people. I guess "coke" is the brand name that has become a noun for soda or pop. But to those who have a preference, it is a big deal. I know some people that only frequent restaurants that sell their brand of choice. Or they pay full price for their favorite. Or they just refuse to drink soda if only the other brand is served. To each his own, I guess. Maybe I have slowly evolving taste buds or something, but I don't think I would be able to tell in a blind taste test. If it is cold, helps quench my thirst and none of my kids peed in it or stuck muddy fingers in it, fine with me.

I also feel bad for the bread delivery guys when I buy another brand and they are loading the shelves. I would really like to feel bad for the Tastycake guy and have to buy all the cupcakes and such - Butterscotch Krimpets - Yum! I guess I don't really have to figure out where Brian Jr. gets his desire to be a "people pleaser." Here I am wanting the delivery guys to be happy because I bought what they are stacking the shelves with. I want to make thier day by buying Pepsi or Wonder! Hey, I never claimed to be normal or sane.

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