Thursday, December 20, 2007

Who is that Baby in the Ornament?

Justin was so funny when he spotted this ornament. It was plastic, so I let him have it. He could see his reflection in it and spent a long time smiling at the baby in the ball! He likes to play with balls and really likes it when he gets two and can bang them together!

He is getting so fast with his army crawling but hasn't made any forward movement up on his hands and knees yet. He will get up and rock a bit, but that is it. His sitting up has really improved a lot too. He does still topple over at times but it is a much softer and controlled landing. I know I always say this, but I cannot believe how fast the time is passing - he will be eight months old soon! And in a few months my first baby will be seven - Oh my!

seeing his reflection
almost got it!
a closer look

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