Saturday, December 15, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Shopping. Baking Cookies. Wrapping. Returning. Picking Out a Tree. Buying a Tree. Getting Tree in House. Decorating Tree. Decorating House. Inside and Out. Dusting. Wash. Groceries. Cleaning Bathrooms. School Holiday Shows. School Parities - times three. Making Lunches and Dinners. Organizing. Teacher Gifts- times five. Baking Cookies. Wrapping. Shopping. Holiday Pictures. Picking Out Holiday Cards. Buying Stamps. Addressing Cards. Making Breakfast. Getting Kids Off to School. Feeding the Baby. Check E-mail. Playing with Baby. Many Trips To The Post Office. School Forms. Playground Time. Wash. Groceries. Dusting. Vacuuming. Decorating Tree. Checking My List - Twice. Making Fleece Blankets. Taking Pictures. Taking Video. Christmas Outfits. Mailing Cards. Making Fudge. Playing With Kids. Cleaning Bathrooms. Taking A Shower. Eating Something Besides Cookies. Birthday Parties - times four. Shopping. Wash. Getting Kids to School. Making meals. Feeding The Baby. Feeding The Dog. Feeding The Fish. Updating The Blog. Balancing The Checkbook. Adult Parties - times two. Paying Some Bills. Returns. Dusting. Dinners. Lunches. Breakfasts. Pajama Party. Baking Gingerbread. Planning Out Dinners. Downloading Pictures and Video. Kissing and Hugging Kids. Getting To See Santa.


I have been behind on the blog and a lot of other things. The above about sums up my week. I really feel like I am forgetting something though. There must be something that I have forgotten to do. Oh, I know - Sleep! 'Tis the Season!

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