Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Covered in Shoes

Me - "Sean why is the front door open?"
Sean - "I wanted to go out front."
Me - "Did you tell anyone you were going outside?"
Sean - "Nope."
Me - "You cannot go outside unless you tell Mommy or Daddy."
Sean - "Okay."
(can you tell he was watchign TV while I was talking to him?)
Me - turning off TV, "Why were you outside?"
Sean - "I needed to put the sign out front."
Me - "What sign?"
Sean - "You know the sign that's yellow with the stop sign for cars."
(we have one of those "Slow, Kids Playing" signs)
Me - "It is still wet out from the rain last night. Did you get you socks wet?"
Sean - "No, they're dry."
Me - "Did you take them off and then put them back on?"
Sean - "No, they were covered in shoes. Then I took the shoes off!"

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