Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Smurf Baby

Justin was playing on the floor and when he rolled over we noticed that he had a blue spot on his head. I did what any mom would do. I went over to him and wiped some off with my finger. I rubbed my fingers together to feel its consistency. Then to getter a better clue as to what it was - I of course had to smell it. It was blue, after all so I wasn't too afraid of a bad smell. I was guessing blueberry? To my surprise it wasn't sticky or greasy and it had no smell at all.

I had no idea what it was. I looked around on the rug and soon found lots of little blue spots On the rug. There were about ten total. I quickly cleaned them up so that no one else got dyed blue. I got the baby cleaned up and went to search for clues. I checked every one's shoes and socks - nothing there. I looked under the couches and cushions - nothing but a stray fruit snack and matchbox car. Much better than I expected there! I looked ont he tables for markers or pens - none. I searched the boys' room and even under their beds in case they tried to conceal evidence - nothing found.

This happened about a week ago, and we still haven't found out what it was. I was saving the post to show off my detective skills and tell you that I had finally cracked the case. But, the truth is that the case remains unsolved - for now! I know I will have one of those "oh that's what happened or that's where that went" moments in a few months - or years! From the color my bets are on some kind of marker - but for now it is only speculation. I don't have enough evidence to hold anyone....

Justin with a blue head

two of the spots
another spot with a wipe to show the color

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