Saturday, November 17, 2007

Some Sean Sayings

While eating his favorite Sloppy Joes dinner which Brian doesn't like:
Sean - "Brian just try it again, you will like it!"
Brian - "I don't like Sloppy Joes."
Sean - "That's okay, more for me and Daddy!"

While watching a football game:
Sean - "I don't want the "V" team to win."
Brian Sr. - "No we want Delaware to win."
Sean - "Yeah, I hope the fence team wins."
Brian Sr. "I hope they do well too - but it it defense."
Sean - "Nope. On TV I saw a fence that the people wanted
to win. And it had a "D" on it for Delaware."
Brian Sr. - knowing he will not win - "Okay Sean!"

Dressing up in Eagles uniforms to go outside and play:
Brian - "Sean I am Brian Westbrook and you are Brian Dawkins."
Sean - "Yeah, I am Sponge Bob Brian Dawkins!"
Brian - "Sponge Bob doesn't play football for the Eagles."
Sean - "No, but Sponge Bob Brian Dawkins does!"
Brian - just looked at him and walked away, he has learned when to give up too

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