Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Loosest Tooth Ever!

It sounds like the title to a children's book. Hmmm, maybe I should write one... I could use these pictures of Brian Jr.! His tooth has gotten so loose in the past few days that it is all I can do to keep from yanking it right out of his mouth. It is hanging by a thread on the middle side of the tooth! He can bend it forward and back and even twist it around - but he will not pull it out or let anyone else touch it.

I have to say I cannot blame him - I remember the same feelings as a kid. My parents, especially my Dad, would beg me to let them get in one good pull. He was afraid that it would hurt and that it would bleed - I was too! I told him that it was a like taking off a band-aid - it might hurt for a second but once it was out there would be no more pain. And then he could eat normally! He wanted no parts of it and was content to just let it fall out on its own. All I can do was sit back and wait - and urge him to keep wiggling!

his top left - even hangs lower than his other tooth!
watch it wiggle...
Sponge Bob impersonation!

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