Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I got a phone!

Sean had his half-birthday celebration at school today. The reason he got a half-birthday is because his birthday is in August and not in school at that time. Before I had trouble getting pregnant I had the birthdays all figured out. I didn't want my kids born on or near a major holiday. There would be no late summer or early fall birthdays because of school and sports cut-offs. They would all be two years or less apart. I could go on and on. Then when things didn't happen as they should, I didn't care when the birthday would be. I wanted to be pregnant and the other parts of my dreams no longer mattered.

Sean got a cool hat and a birthday song. His preschool had Chapel time each morning. And while there, he gets to sit up front in a big chair as the rest of the school sings to him. Then he gets to pick a favorite song to sing. I got to go in and watch him during this. It was really cute. And, of course, it made me tear up. Every time they do some kind of performance, I have to fight back tears. I get them during sporting events. I get them during school shows. I get them when they break out of their shells. I am one proud momma!

I really thought that the crying would end as they got older. At first I blamed it on hormones and them being babies. Seven years later and I still fight tears all the time. The first day of school. The last day of school. Learning to walk. Learning to ride a bike. First words. Building a block tower for the first time. Answering the phone for the first time. Sleeping in the top bunk. Sleeping through the night. Being potty trained. Writing their names. Self feeding. Singing in public.

He got to bring in Munchkins from Dunkin Doughnuts! Sean also got to eat a doughnut on the way to school. He always used to like chocolate and now has moved onto glazed. He only wants glazed donuts and glazed Munchkins. Not glazed cake, just glazed. I once made that mistake and never will again!

Sean - Mom look I got a phone!
Me - Where did you get that?
Sean - Reilly gave it to me and I showed him my penny.
Me - Are you borrowing it?
Sean - No he gave it to me. And the teachers didn't even see (laughing)
Me - It is not good to trick your teachers.
Sean - I didn't trick them, they just didn't look. They didn't know I had a penny in school either! Brian - He is lucky. My teacher sees things even when she isn't looking or is in the hallway. She was out there talking to another teacher and some kids were running around. One girl I didn't think would ever run in school and one boy. My teacher came back in and knew who was running. She sees everything. That's why I don't run around.
Sean - laughs - Well, my teachers are not that smart!

sitting in the chair for Happy Birthday song

back in his classroom

***edited to add***When I took Sean to school on Friday, I told the teachers he had Reilly's phone. They then told me that it wasn't Reilly's phone but that it belonged in the classroom. He is in so much trouble!

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