Sunday, September 30, 2007
It is funny because I call both Brians "Bri" yet that is not really a name, and Sean gets Seany and that is also not really a name. My brother had a friend growing up whose name was Evan - his Mom wanted a name with no nicknames. Yep, you guessed it, my brother called him Ev!
So, I guess we had better start coming up with some "B" nicknames for Kathryn Julia when she arrives home! Or maybe it will just hit us when we see her. Maybe we should ask Sean - where he came up with Jusitn Bambooie I will never know! I just called Jusitn Booger Beans too - maybe that is an option for Kathryn! That is two "B" names! Bonus!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Self-Parking Cars - Ugh!
I thought this was such a funny play on the cars that now advertise to be able to parallel park themselves. They show drivers that have their hands off the wheel and the cars just park. I have to say I have never seen it in person, but it does seem a little far fetched to me. What about different sized spots? What if you are in the wrong position to start parking - like no close enough to the car in front of you or at a wrong angle?
These cars take all the fun out of the driver's test! Does anyone dread a right hand turn or using blinkers - no! Everyone I knew was afraid of parallel parking. I know many adults that can still not parallel park - so maybe these self-parking cars are good for them. Or maybe it is my "be in control" personality that makes me afraid. I don't think I could physically sit there and let a car park itself - especially if there were expensive cars on either side of me! So, hats off to Audi!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Spoons and Forks and Applesauce, Oh My!
From time to time I do find some strange things. Sean, for a while, got a kick out of hiding spoons and forks in the chair and couch cushions. I guess he figured then he didn't have to put them in the sink and miss any of the Sponge Bob episode he had seen 400 times! My favorite forks where the ones with maple syrup still on them from waffles - really gooey after a few weeks of hiding! I also have found plates and bowls under the couch and chair and suspect Sean but he has never been caught in the act for this!
At least the silver wear can later be identified. I have found some things under the cushions that I just throw away - I still to this day don't know what they were and nor do I ever want to know! Other than that I find matchbox cars, action figures, action figure weapons, wrappers to peanut butter crackers and fruit snacks and pop-tarts! There are also lots of crumbs and dog hair and the occasional lost board game or puzzle piece.
Today my surprise, oddly enough, was not in the cushions - or in their beds. My favorite int eh bed surprise was about 200 Starburst form a big family pack. They were all down in the bottom of Sean's bed tucked in between his bottom and top sheets - at least they still had wrappers on them. I figure he had a few midnight snacks - my fear was that he would soon have some bunk mates with six or eight legs! Yuck!
Okay, back to today. I found about eight packs of the single serve applesauce piled under the little kids table in our living room. When Sean came home, I asked him about it and he said, "I wanted them there so when I get hungry I don't have to run to the kitchen!" He is so his Dad's son. Brian Sr. is still asking for a fridge in the living room next to the couch. Sure, no problem - how about a fridge and TV in the bathroom too? I won't even ask for real - don't want to give him anymore ideas! How much more lazy can the two of them get. Sean asks his Dad to lay on the couch with him and watch TV or take a nap - Brian Sr. just looks my way with a smile. He knows he will get yelled at or dirty looks at a minimum for laying around. But when Sean asks...
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Red Yarn, Darn!
Doing wash drives me crazy sometimes. There is nothing worse than a load of wash ruined by something red! And those mysterious dryer spots that appear on dark clothing! I love the commercial where the woman has put something with a stain in the dryer so now the stain is set in the clothing. The next thing you see, she is tossing her dryer out of the upstairs window! My dryer is in the basement, so that wouldn't be possible. But I have kicked the washer and the dryer before!
I daydream about one of those huge new washer that can do about 100 pairs of jeans and 50 comforters at once! Okay, so maybe I am exaggerating a little! And to have my washer and dryer upstairs - ooooh! It would be heaven - I would even go for just on the first floor!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Cheesy Dog!
He gets treated just like one of the kids - do something funny and Mom gets the camera before she helps you out! I did give him the cheese after I took the pictures!
searching the floor
just can't quite see it still thinking about it
close-up view
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
And then the phone rang. Brian looked at the called ID and said it was our adoption agency! My heart started to race and he was smart enough to let me answer the phone! I felt like I did when I was awaiting the results of a pregnancy test and I saw the fertility doctor's name appear on the phone. I wanted to answer so badly but then I didn't want to answer because I was so afraid of bad news.
I decided to answer and the woman asked how I was. I said, "Fine. How are you?" She replied, "I'm good, thanks." Okay, at this point I am trying to read the tone of her voice - is she happy or sad about what she has to tell me. Then it came, she said, "We reviewed the information you sent us. And I am happy to tell you that you are pre-approved for the Korea program!" I was so relieved and happy. I definitely felt lighter. It was just like someone telling me I was pregnant. But this time I will have an elephant's pregnancy - it will be almost two years until we can bring our daughter home! We are hoping for summer of 2009!
We are being sent our homestudy packet with more forms and paperwork and appointments!
I had a smile on my face the rest of the night and had trouble sleeping because I was so happy! Things are finally working out the way I wanted and the way I planned in regards to adding to our family. Life is good!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Sean's Apple Picking
"Feeding" the animals consisted of grabbing handfuls of corn and shoving it down a chute. I know with disease that "petting zoos" aren't safe anymore but the poor animals weren't even hungry. So, the kids ran around and dropped corn down the PVC pipe chutes. It piled up in a big mountain as the animals sleepily stared! How fun is that?
Maybe the kids really did have fun and I am just an old party pooper. Ooops, that bathroom humor is still rubbing off on me - I just cannot escape it! Maybe it is because I have been to this farm about ten times to go apple and pumpkin picking. Poor Justin, I probably won't let him sign up at all!
But being the car seat fanatic that I am, I didn't let Sean ride on the bus. So, we still got charged for it. He is still in a five-point harness type car seat and I just couldn't put him on a bus in a lap belt! The teachers did try to talk me out of it. And someone that overheard the conversation actually said I could probably fit the baby carrier with Justin on the bus so I could ride with Sean! Yikes!
He has a the same trip planned in a few weeks but instead of apples they are doing pumpkins, Sean will not be attending that one.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
A Spork, A Pear and A ?
I found this pear in the fruit bowl in the kitchen. It looked really good and I was making a good food choice. Then I picked it up and noticed the teeth marks. Apparently we have fruit biting goblins because no one is claiming to have done this. Brian Sr. got eliminated because his mouth is much bigger than this. Roc is free from blame because he would not have left anything behind. Justin has no teeth yet. So that leaves Brian and Sean because I know it wasn't me - unless I was sleepwalking one night. But I would think that if I was going to the kitchen while sleepwalking that I would have grabbed the cookies and ice cream! My bet is that Sean did it but short of getting their dental records or impressions, I have no proof...Yet!
A few days ago I found this on the floor in the basement. You know that thing on the floor that catches your eye. Then you go back to look at it closer. I stooped down for a better look. Turned on a light for a better look. Hmmm, still not sure what it was or if I wanted to touch it. I went upstairs and got a napkin to pick it up. It still took me a few minutes to discover that is was a blueberry! I don't even want to guess how long that has been in the floor and trampled on - at least it wasn't sporting any mold. It was soft and smooth and kind of like leather. I could start a new line of shoes or purses - when they go out of style just eat them - no more taking up closet space!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
My Dad is the Boss!
Then Brian says, "My Dad doesn't do any work. He just sits at his desk on the computer. Sometimes he has to talk to people and tell them how to play golf!" Alexis is right with him and says, "My Dad is on the computer and the phone all day too. And sometimes he has to drive somewhere and tell people what to do!" (extra innnings)
After this they decide to both be the boss since both of their Dad's seem to equally do no work! I guess that is why it is so great to be an adult from a kid's view. You get bigger and stronger. You can stay up all night. You can watch PG-13 movies. You can eat cake for breakfast. You can have a cat. You can mow the lawn whenever you want. You get to use real tools. You can tell people what to do. You can wear shorts and a tank top in January. You don't have homework! You have a job, get paid, and do no work! Sounds pretty good to me - where do I sign up?
After they played with the tools, they decided to hop. You know that fun thing kids do when there is nothing else better to do. Let's just exercise and tire ourselves out because we can! Alexis says, "Look, I can hop on one foot!" So, Brian and Sean hop on one foot. Alexis says, "I can hop like this for 24 hours!" So Brian and Sean keep hopping. Then she says, "Well I could hop for 24 hours, but my mom will tell me to go to bed so I probably won't be allowed to!" Oh, if only she were a grown-up then she could hop on one foot for 24 hours whenever she wanted!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Ice Cream Melts
chocolate here...
and there...
Thursday, September 20, 2007
End of the Road
It was Brad's last game and very emotional at the end. He came over and gave his Mom a hug and handed her his jersey. Then he took off his hat and put it on Brian Jr.! I don't think I have ever seen a bigger smile on his face. It was the hat Brad had worn all year.
Brian turned to his Dad and I and showed it to us. He let Sean try it on for a second and then asked me, "Mom do you want to try on the hat?" I said, "No thanks, you can wear it." I was polite to him but thinking "No Way!" to myself. You should see the hat - worn all summer in a million degree weather. The hat is dark blue and had white marks all over it from the sweat. Yea, sure plop that right on my head, no problem. But the blood, sweat, and tears is what makes it so special to Brian. But then again he will touch his Dad's shoes too!
Treading Water
I feel like I just finished all the wash but there is the hamper full of three loads glaring at me! How can that be? I noticed Justin scratched himself on his cheek. I went to check his nails to see if maybe I missed a sharp edge or something and then realized that all his nails needed to be cut? Didn't I just do that two or three days ago? I guess it was longer? That means I had better check the boys' finger nails too! Then I looked at him and tried to remember when he last had a bath. I know it has been more than two days - could it be three - maybe four! Ugh! Again I was reminded Brian and Sean probably need a bath too! Hmmmm - how long has it been since I ran the dishwasher? Was the dog fed tonight? - I think so...
These are the things that keep me from falling asleep right away at night. Did I pay the cable bill? I have to balance the checking account! Oops - forgot to change Sean's appointment. Brian needs to bring in something to share on Tuesday - no toys. Sean has a trip on Monday and needs a lunch. (Still having issues about him going on a bus without a booster seat and only a lap belt.) We have soccer on Mondays and Saturdays - and I need to find and wash Brian's shirt. Did I pack Brian's lunch? Does Sean have enough dairy and egg free snacks left at school? Ugh - I forgot to call the insurance company about getting reimbursed for a self pay visit from June! And forgot to call the groomer to make the dog an appointment! What night was Brain Sr.'s doctor appointment? I know there was a funny story for the blog and I forgot to write it down - now I cannot remember! Do I have clean underwear for tomorrow? When is the last time I got a shower? I could go on forever!
Why do the days seem so short when you have so much to do? I would have liked my awkward junior high days to go by this quickly. I wish the minutes in Calculus class had flown by like they do now! How about number the days it took to get pregnant - now that's one wish I would gladly make! I spend most of the day trying to get things organized and schedules straight and get the most important things done first - that is if I can remember them - sorry dust you are not high on the list!
The funny part is I love the chaos and unpredictability of being a Mom - I wouldn't trade it for anything!
Some Pictures
Justin checking out a football
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
A Few Funnies
On a church sign on a hot summer day - "Hot enough for you? Think about it."
On the curb side in front of a house - "Slow, No wake!"
On a banner for a meeting about men and women - "Women always right. Men never wrong!"
At Brian's school in the lunch room for the nut-free table - "I'm nutty enough without nuts!"
And a few quotes from the kids:
While getting gas, Sean (in a whining voice)said, "Why do we always have to get regular gas? Why can't we get something different just one time, Mom! I don't like regular all the time! Does all gas smell? Do fire trucks use regular gas? What about golf carts?" He doesn't hold one train of thought too long!
After being told he can maybe play flag football in the Spring, Brian said, "I don't want to play flag football. I want to play football. You know, shoulder pad football! When you can wear helmets too!" You know, the one were he can break bones - not at age 6!
I was babysitting Macie and she was crying because I wouldn't let her do something. Sean with his fingers in his ears said, "Mom, make it stop, make it stop! I cant' hear the TV!" Glad he is learning some compassion!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Food Allergies
Brian is allergic to tree nuts, not peanuts, but has only been tested once since this is an allergy that isn't outgrown. He had one exposure to cashews when he was two years old and has had nothing else since. But the paperwork and doctors notes to get him an Epi-pen and Benadryl at school will drive you nuts (ha ha). He has a girl in his grade that is allergic to tree nuts also. Brian's is pretty easy to deal with - most kids don't eat too many tree-nuts.
I cannot believe the number of kids with food allergies today! I remember having maybe one in the whole school when I was little and now it is the norm to have two or three in each class! And our cousin Macie that I watch has a dairy and a wheat allergy. Of course, like everything undesirable - I blame it on their Dad. I tell them, "Yep, You got your smelly feet and allergies from your Dad!" Then have to add, "Your good looks and brains - all from Mom!" They laugh because their Dad tells them the opposite when I am not listening!
So Sean doesn't suffer too much I make a lot of foods special for him. Can you imagine - no pancakes, waffles, donuts, cake, cookies, chocolate, ice cream, cheese, yogurt etc? Even some lunch meats and hot dogs have non fat milk powder in them - not sure why though! We call all the soy products "special" and don't let anyone else use them so things he is getting something no one else has! Hopefully Justin will be allergy free!
Latch On, Latch Off
He even has more tricks - bite mommy - even toothless gums hurt! And my favorite - bite mommy and then throw your head back at a hundred miles per hour while still biting! He really gets a kick out of this one and giggles and giggles when I jump and yell, "OUCH!" Needless to say, I am in no hurry for his teeth to come in.
Sean wasn't a big biter. The reason Brian got weaned was because he bit me three nights in a row. Three strikes and you're out in my book. The next night he got a sippy cup with milk and that was the end of nursing. I was a little sad because it ended so suddenly. It was a nice quiet bonding time with him - especially after he was mobile.
I am glad that I am/was able to nurse the boys. I know it isn't for everyone but it is special to me. To see them grow and thrive, and know that it is from the milk I make for them and the love our family gives to them. I am not one of those people who believe babies that aren't nursed are at a disadvantage. I nursed Brian and Sean for six months until I added anything else to their diets - and they both still got food allergies. I did read that breast feeding exclusively for six months can lower their risk for diabetes - so with Brian Sr. a diabetic I figured I would give them the best odds. Breast feeding is a lot of work and it one of the biggest commitments I have ever made - but to me, well worth it!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Sean Highlights
I went the fridge and you'll never guess what I found - Blankie! I yelled for Sean to come and look! He was so happy that he was jumping up and down and squealing wiht delight! I asked him, "Did you put Blankie in the fridge?" He said, "Yes, Blankie was too hot and he wanted to be cool." Well, there you have it!
Another day he was going potty and ran out and forgot to wash his hands and turn off the light. So I sent him back in. He was in there too long with the water running - time to go in after him! I caught him just as he was backing away from the sink- water everywhere! In our downstairs bathroom the sink and toilet are very close to one another - we call it our closet bathroom! Well, he was standing on the potty and leaning over to the sink. He was resting his hips on the side of the sink - with his pants down. I say, "Sean I hope you are not peeing in the sink!" He says, "No Mom! I was washing my peep - it had a spot on it!" I know correct terms for the anatomy are the thing to do now but I just cannot bear to hear my little kids using those terms. So when Brian was little instead of saying peeing he used to say peeping - so that is where we got "peep" from!
On Friday he was having Chicken Nuggets and Smiley fries - his meal of choice lately. He asked for eight nuggets and six fries. For some reason he has really been into counting things lately. He was eating and I asked him if I could have one nugget. He said, "No I am going to eat eight." Macie was also eating with him - she had kidney beans, noodles and apples. The phone rang, and just as I answer it, I hear laughter from the kitchen.
I go in to see Sean tossing nuggets to the dog like they were treats. Macie and Sean think that the dog jumping up to catch nuggets is the funniest thing in the world. I am hurt because my kid will toss nuggets to the dog before he will share with his Mom! I take Sean's plate away and rinse off the ketchup before putting it in the dishwasher. My back is turned and I hear laughter again. This time Macie is throwing hand-fulls of kidney beans at Roc. He is jumping up with his mouth wide open and while some beans make it into his mouth, most just hit him right in the face and head. But this doesn't stop him - he continues to take fire in hopes of catching a few treats! I have to turn away so they don't see me laughing.
I get the kitchen and Macie and Roc cleaned up and put them in the living room. As I am loading the dishwasher again, my mind goes to the movie Mr. Mom and what happens to the baby when she eats too many beans. I really hope that doesn't happen to the dog...
Saturday, September 15, 2007
My Wash Creator
Then my Mom came over one day and noticed that one of the exersaucer's toys had a screw lose on it. Well, do you think Brian could just go into the kitchen and get the screwdriver? Nope - he had to go back upstairs and put on a shirt and carpenter jeans and work boots - outfit six. Then he had to go to the basement and get his tool belt. After all that he was ready for the two seconds it took to tighten a screw! And he wasn't done with outfits yet! He went back to baseball and football a few times and probably had another shorts and t-shirt outfit thrown in there too - too many more to count!
I am glad he has a great imagination and the role-playing is great. My problem is that he cannot put things away correctly and neatly and that he wears too many outfits. When he does clean up after himself, it is throwing everything on the floor into the hamper - even if he only wore it for two seconds to tighten a screw! After it has been thrown in the hamper with dirty clothes or in the back of the closet it is too wrinkly to be worn again without washing it!
He has always been into costumes. It all started when he was two and his cousin Collin was Buzz Lightyear for Halloween. Whenever he played with Collin he wanted to wear that costume. I bet you will never guess what he was for Halloween when he turned three! That Buzz costume is worn out. He wore it to the grocery store, to the mall, even packed it for the trip tot the beach! Everyone thought it was so-o-o cute!
He did look really cute and like Sean's boots it was one of those pick your battles situations and he really wasn't hurting anything. I had to laugh when he was quoting Buzz Lightyear though. He would be riding on the side of a cart and say " I come in peace!" or "To infinity and beyond!" He would shoot people with a fake laser on his arm and push on his chest to pop out his wings. He was so serious and really thought he was Buzz.
Brian was four when the next character obsession happened. He turned from Buzz to Peter. Peter Pan that is. He would dress as Peter Pan and made my Mom Captain Hook. When she came over he would go and get his swords and costumes and they would fight a duel! He even picked out a Captain Hook hat for my Mom one Christmas! Brian would go out back and swing on his belly to simulate flying. He liked flying in the middle of the day the best when he could see his shadow!
He also likes to dress up as Power Rangers, astronauts, Ninja Turtles, a golfer (AKA Dad), a hippo (usually Sean's idea), a dog (complete with Roc's collar and bowl of water on the floor), and whatever else he is into on that day. But the outfits have to be authentic. If he is Dad - he needs the same color shirt and pants that Dad left in, similar shoes, wallet, cell phone and briefcase bag! Oh and don't forget the name tag he uses from his Dad's meetings last year. Good thing they have the same name! If he is a dog or a hippo or another animal he puts socks on his hands and feet because those animals don't have fingers and toes like he does!
He didn't have a NASA patch to play astronaut so he drew one and taped it to his shirt. He wore all white and then realized it didn't really look like a space suit. So he went upstairs and put on two pairs of sweat pants under the suit to make it look "puffy" just like the astronauts! I could go on and on...
So, at the end of any given day, Brian has worn about five outfits and that means about five times as much wash as anyone else in the house. Even Justin doesn't spit up on that many things! He really has a great time but all the wash really piles up! Sean likes to get in on the action too but his imagination is more in his head and he can play golfer or astronaut without having to look just like them!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Tiny, Small, Medium?
Maybe he was dreaming something last night? That reminds me of when Brian was about two or so. He woke up searching the house for his yellow tow truck. (He didn't have a yellow tow truck - or even a tow truck.) He was so sad and upset and then got mad at me because since he couldn't find it he figured that I threw it away. He went on about it all day. Then I took him to my Mom's to run some errands and what do I find - a big yellow tow truck! What are the odds? If that is what he wanted for Christmas, I would have never found one! So, of course I had to get it for him! I took it out of the box and told him I found it at home. I think he dreamt about it the night before and in his mind he really had a yellow tow truck!
Then, Later that day, he was eating lunch and had a Power Rangers sword next to him. He says, "Mom, this is a special sword! This part shoots our fire and this part shoots out ketchup! I can cook the bad guys and then put ketchup on them!" What a way to go - at least he didn't add and then eat them! He can finally say ketchup - his pronunciation of choice - and our sometimes used to be "chep-a." Too cute.
I honestly don't know where Sean gets these things from. His Dad and brother and I are all really more on the shy and quiet side. If he didn't look so much like his brothers, I would wonder where he came from. There is never a dull moment with him - which is sometimes good and sometimes bad! I wake up wondering what he will do next!