Thursday, September 27, 2007

Red Yarn, Darn!

Brian must have done some kind of art project in school with red yarn! Justin's once white, now pink, onsie clued me in. Then I found a piece of yarn in the dryer - and several more in the pocket of a pair of his shorts! Ugh! Luckily the rest of the load was dark and the onsie must have "snuck" in by accident!

Doing wash drives me crazy sometimes. There is nothing worse than a load of wash ruined by something red! And those mysterious dryer spots that appear on dark clothing! I love the commercial where the woman has put something with a stain in the dryer so now the stain is set in the clothing. The next thing you see, she is tossing her dryer out of the upstairs window! My dryer is in the basement, so that wouldn't be possible. But I have kicked the washer and the dryer before!

I daydream about one of those huge new washer that can do about 100 pairs of jeans and 50 comforters at once! Okay, so maybe I am exaggerating a little! And to have my washer and dryer upstairs - ooooh! It would be heaven - I would even go for just on the first floor!

the guilty red string
Justin's pink onsie
a closer view

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