Wednesday, September 12, 2007

An Old Shirt and a Chocolate Baby

After breakfast yesterday morning, Sean decided to wipe his peanut butter and strawberry caked hands on his shirt. Mind you there was a box of wipes on the table not two inches from where he was eating. I see him do it and sigh - thank goodness for stain removers! I say, "Sean, why did you wipe your hands on your shirt? You know to use a wipe or a napkin." He looks at me and says, "Don't worry Mom. It is an old shirt, I wore it yesterday!" I am not sure if I am more crazed by his answer or the fact that all morning I didn't realize that he still had the same shirt on from the day before! I wonder what the moms at the school were thinking of me!

Later, we picked up Brian from school and it was raining, so no playground time. He had a sticker on his shirt that said PTA Meeting Tonight. After he got into his booster seat, he said, "Mom you have a PGA meeting tonight!" I said, "Yes I do, but I think you mean PTA." He said, "No, PGA like Daddy." (for those who are new Brian Sr. is a PGA member and Director of Golf at a course around here) I have to explain that PGA is golf and PTA is for the school. He seemed utterly disappointed that it wasn't a golf meeting tonight!

I boys and I were out running a few errands and they had been exceptionally good. Our last stop was at the pharmacy and they each got to pick a treat. Sean grabbed some Sour Patch Kids and Brian a Hershey Bar! They tried to get me to grab some Swedish Fish for Justin - nice try! We got home and the boys turned on the TV and settled into a blank stare with their snacks. Brian Sr. came home from work so I went to the basement to check e-mail and do a load of wash.

I came up and it was time to feed Justin. I picked him up and covered his face and neck with kisses and was rewarded with a little squeal and giggle. I realized that he had a new smell in addition to the baby lotion/spit-up combination he usually sports. Hmmm. I smell his neck again! It's chocolate..Brian had chocolate today. I check in Justin's mouth - Whew! No visible signs of chocolate in there! So, I ask Brian, "Why does the baby smell like chocolate?" Of course he answers, "I don't know, ask Sean." This is one time I know Sean is innocent because Sean has dairy and egg allergies, so he wasn't eating chocolate. I nursed Justin and then it was time to find something for dinner and get ready for the PTA meeting, so I forgot about the chocolate smelling baby.

After the meeting, I get home and the boys are in bed - but not quite asleep. I go up and kiss them goodnight. I pick up a few things, fill the dishwasher, and put in another load of laundry. Then it is time to feed Justin again - those three hours go so fast sometimes. As I am burping him, I smell chocolate again! I don't remember buying chocolate scented diapers or wipes. I inspect the baby more closely and lo and behold there it is. A big streak of chocolate hidden behind is right ear! Mystery solved! Brian was lucky that he was already asleep!

the proof is in the chocolate!

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