Saturday, September 29, 2007

Self-Parking Cars - Ugh!

I was watching TV last night and laughed out loud at a commercial! This doesn't happen very often. Most commercial that are supposed to be funny just leave me with a blank stare or a huge sigh! Well, a commercial came on from Audi. In the beginning, it was the typical luxury car commercial - lots of views of a maxed out car and it driving around sharp curves at high speeds. Then it showed someone parallel parking - by themselves! A voice came on and said, " Audi, luxury cars for drivers that can park themselves." I couldn't stop laughing!

I thought this was such a funny play on the cars that now advertise to be able to parallel park themselves. They show drivers that have their hands off the wheel and the cars just park. I have to say I have never seen it in person, but it does seem a little far fetched to me. What about different sized spots? What if you are in the wrong position to start parking - like no close enough to the car in front of you or at a wrong angle?

These cars take all the fun out of the driver's test! Does anyone dread a right hand turn or using blinkers - no! Everyone I knew was afraid of parallel parking. I know many adults that can still not parallel park - so maybe these self-parking cars are good for them. Or maybe it is my "be in control" personality that makes me afraid. I don't think I could physically sit there and let a car park itself - especially if there were expensive cars on either side of me! So, hats off to Audi!

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