Thursday, September 6, 2007

Poop Really Stinks!

I started baby sititng again today - Brian's cousin's daughter, Macie. I guess that makes her our 2nd cousin? Anyway, she is about 14 months old and too cute for words - big brown eyes and cute little curls in her hair! We have not had smelly diapers in this house since Sean was potty trained over the winter. Justin is fully breast fed and his diapers have this sweet/sour smell but are really not stinky at all. Sean was playing with Macie and then started yelling that she stinks! I told him she needs her diaper changed. He looked at me and said "Mom, poop really stinks!" I would have never known! How quickly he forgets what his own diapers smelled like! Or even how it smells to wipe him - still! Never a dull moment with Sean - always into something or offering his words of wisdom!

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